
Location as a service

Your business starts here.

Consultoría Espacial

Consultoría Espacial

Convertimos el desafío de analizar el potencial de una ubicación en una jornada simple y segura para los emprendedores a través de nuestra metodología única.

Convertimos el desafío de analizar el potencial de una ubicación en una jornada simple y segura para los emprendedores a través de nuestra metodología única.

Asistimos a individuos y equipos en las mejores empresas del mundo.

¿Qué está incluido en el servicio de consultoría?


Expanda su negocio con nuestro servicio de consultoría integral. Todo en una tarifa mensual.

Estudios detallados

Decisiones informadas con análisis de morfología urbana.

Nos adentramos en estudios meticulosos que integran análisis de morfología urbana, explorando la configuración y función de los entornos urbanos para ofrecer información precisa.

Monitoreo de Redes de Franquicias

Soporte continuo para un crecimiento sostenible.
No solo analizamos; monitoreamos la evolución de su red. Con un soporte continuo, ayudamos a garantizar que su expansión no solo sea rápida, sino también sostenible y exitosa.

Personalized Mentoring

Orientación experta.

Benefíciese de sesiones de mentoría con nuestros especialistas. Reciba orientación directa y estratégica para navegar las complejidades del mercado y maximizar el retorno de sus inversiones.

Caso de Éxito



Consulte los entregables de la consultoría a continuación.

Mejores Ciudades para Expansión

Identificamos y evaluamos ubicaciones ideales para garantizar que su negocio comience o se expanda en el lugar perfecto para prosperar.

Mejores Ciudades para Expansión

Identificamos y evaluamos ubicaciones ideales para garantizar que su negocio comience o se expanda en el lugar perfecto para prosperar.

Mejores Ciudades para Expansión

Identificamos y evaluamos ubicaciones ideales para garantizar que su negocio comience o se expanda en el lugar perfecto para prosperar.


Nuestros especialistas ofrecen mentoría personalizada, ayudándole a tomar decisiones rápidas e informadas sobre las ubicaciones ideales para su negocio.


Nuestros especialistas ofrecen mentoría personalizada, ayudándole a tomar decisiones rápidas e informadas sobre las ubicaciones ideales para su negocio.


Nuestros especialistas ofrecen mentoría personalizada, ayudándole a tomar decisiones rápidas e informadas sobre las ubicaciones ideales para su negocio.

Factores de Ubicación Personalizados

We analyze your current location to determine if it is the most profitable for your business, helping you decide whether to stay, expand, or relocate.

Factores de Ubicación Personalizados

We analyze your current location to determine if it is the most profitable for your business, helping you decide whether to stay, expand, or relocate.

Factores de Ubicación Personalizados

We analyze your current location to determine if it is the most profitable for your business, helping you decide whether to stay, expand, or relocate.

Network Monitoring Dashboard

We analyze your current location to determine if it is the most profitable for your business, helping you decide whether to stay, expand, or relocate.

Network Monitoring Dashboard

We analyze your current location to determine if it is the most profitable for your business, helping you decide whether to stay, expand, or relocate.

Network Monitoring Dashboard

We analyze your current location to determine if it is the most profitable for your business, helping you decide whether to stay, expand, or relocate.

Current Location vs. Performance Analysis

Analisamos seu local atual para determinar se é o mais rentável para seu negócio, ajudando você a decidir se deve permanecer, expandir ou mudar.

Current Location vs. Performance Analysis

Analisamos seu local atual para determinar se é o mais rentável para seu negócio, ajudando você a decidir se deve permanecer, expandir ou mudar.

Current Location vs. Performance Analysis

Analisamos seu local atual para determinar se é o mais rentável para seu negócio, ajudando você a decidir se deve permanecer, expandir ou mudar.

Strategic Zoning

We provide guidance on the most profitable type of business for your space, supporting marketing and sales strategies with solid data.

Strategic Zoning

We provide guidance on the most profitable type of business for your space, supporting marketing and sales strategies with solid data.

Strategic Zoning

We provide guidance on the most profitable type of business for your space, supporting marketing and sales strategies with solid data.

New Location Analysis

We compare locations to reveal where your business will have the greatest impact, basing our analysis on detailed economic and demographic data.

New Location Analysis

We compare locations to reveal where your business will have the greatest impact, basing our analysis on detailed economic and demographic data.

New Location Analysis

We compare locations to reveal where your business will have the greatest impact, basing our analysis on detailed economic and demographic data.

Expansion Team Training

We determine how many units are feasible and which business model best suits each area, providing a clear vision for efficient expansion.

Expansion Team Training

We determine how many units are feasible and which business model best suits each area, providing a clear vision for efficient expansion.

Expansion Team Training

We determine how many units are feasible and which business model best suits each area, providing a clear vision for efficient expansion.

Access to Shopping Mall Analysis

We determine how many units are feasible and which business model best suits each area, providing a clear vision for efficient expansion.

Access to Shopping Mall Analysis

We determine how many units are feasible and which business model best suits each area, providing a clear vision for efficient expansion.

Access to Shopping Mall Analysis

We determine how many units are feasible and which business model best suits each area, providing a clear vision for efficient expansion.

Get in Touch

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Client Testimonials

See what our clients are saying

"The detailed analysis by Space Hunters on the best location for my new restaurant was incredibly accurate. With their help, I chose a spot that exceeded all my expectations for foot traffic and revenue!"

"The geomarketing platform, Space Data, completely changed the game for us. We identified untapped market niches, which enabled accelerated and sustainable growth."

"Space Hunters' insights on urban morphology allowed us to position our new branch in a strategic location that has effectively attracted both talent and customers. I'm impressed with the accuracy and detail of the information provided." 📊

"The detailed studies from Space Hunters have transformed the way we invest in properties. Their in-depth analyses of each region help us make informed decisions that maximize our returns."

"Thanks to the mentoring and continuous support from Space Hunters, our expansion has been a success. Each new store was opened with confidence, knowing that we are in the most advantageous location possible."

"Space Hunters has been an essential partner in our urban development projects. Their expertise in analyzing city morphology is crucial to the success of our ventures."


Frequently Asked Questions

See the answers to the most common questions and learn more about how Space Data can help your company perform better.

How can detailed studies benefit my business?

How can detailed studies benefit my business?

How can detailed studies benefit my business?

What does the mentoring offered by Space Hunters consist of?

What does the mentoring offered by Space Hunters consist of?

What does the mentoring offered by Space Hunters consist of?

How can network analysis and monitoring help with my business expansion?

How can network analysis and monitoring help with my business expansion?

How can network analysis and monitoring help with my business expansion?

What is the advantage of choosing Space Hunters for new location analysis?

What is the advantage of choosing Space Hunters for new location analysis?

What is the advantage of choosing Space Hunters for new location analysis?

© Space Hunters 2025. All rights reserved.

© Space Hunters 2025. All rights reserved.

O que está incluso na consultoria

Expanda Seu Negócio com Nossa Consultoria Completa.
Tudo Em Uma Só Mensalidade.

Estudos Detalhados

Decisões Informadas com Análise de Morfologia Urbana
Aprofundamo-nos em estudos meticulosos que integram análises de morfologia urbana, explorando a configuração e a função dos ambientes urbanos para fornecer insights precisos.

Acompanhamento da Rede

Suporte Contínuo para Crescimento Sustentável
Não apenas analisamos, mas acompanhamos a evolução da sua rede. Com suporte contínuo, ajudamos a garantir que sua expansão seja não apenas rápida, mas também sustentável e bem-sucedida.

Mentoria Personalizada

Orientação de Especialistas
Beneficie-se de sessões de mentoria com nossos especialistas. Receba orientação direta e estratégica para navegar por complexidades do mercado e maximizar o retorno sobre seus investimentos.

Confira o depoimento de quem confia